Bürgerstiftung Kulturlandschaft Spreewald
A new logo and campaign for the biggest foundation in the Spreewald region.
copy/concept: Ulrike Schlott
me: art, concept, illustration, UX-UI-Design
Freelance-project for the Bürgerstiftung Kulturlandschaft Spreewald
managing partner: Nico Heitepriem, Bettina König
Homepage leider offline (vielleicht zu viele Bugs...🤔)
The Spreewald in Brandenburg has one of the biggest area of wet meadows, which are essential for thousands of species. They are endangered due to lack of care.
Throw a light on the foundation, which is too much unknown. We developed a PR-concept, a website and several ads running in diverse formats.
A christmas fundraising campaign ran quite successful in 2018 promoting the "Wiesenaktie".
Many people donated and ad-series showed the meadows inhabitants saying "Danke!"

The logo as a crossing of an exclamation mark and a dragonfly, clever, no?

Christmas Fundraising Ads