GASAG #neudenken & Ökostrom campaign
Kick-off for GASAG after agency-switch from Peperoni to RöWi: nothing spectacular new, but we tried to make the most of the ci, which had to stay untouched. Phase 1 simply shows questions about green energy with the GASAG-pattern revitalized in digital and print. Phase 2 simply shows people of the so called "Ökostrom community".
The best part of this job definitely Rüdiger did, with a prepress in only 2 days. And this with a hardcore CI to mind! And of course fantastic account and office manager Perrin, who kept all the creatives and clients calm. Thanks also Victor for the smooth motion design.
agency: Römer Wildberger | final artwork print: Rüdiger Breidert/Tridix, digital versions: Victor Treushchenko

Phase 2: Ökostrom campaign
First one of a series of 6 of phase 2.
photo: Sven Heinrich/Double T and Aris Sfakianakis (old lady) Postproduction: pixology