TU Bergakademie Freiberg – The mining university
Why it`s cool to study at this small but unique place. 

copy/concept: Peter Quester
 photo: Kai Wiechmann
me: concept, Art
motion graphics: Maison Saucisse 
The mining university TU Bergakademie Freiberg is one of the best places in the world to study mining and energy issues. 
But since it`s not in a capital city, rather in a remote area of Saxony, aspirant students migrate. 
Convince young people to sign up in Freiberg by simply telling the benefits in a charming way.
Showing real students in a heroic way as explorer with a creative drive. The typical mining headlamp helps to define the keyvisual.​​​​​​​
Arguments for students to sign up in Freiberg are listed here in diverse banners e.g. on university search engines.
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