Ok, now you found it. My dreadful secret. So now, please stay calm and let me explain.
Working for a party I`d never vote.
I was thinking a long time about putting this in. But I decided to do so. Why the hell?
At first I want to be honest and not hide anything (except the really bad stuff, like Coca-Cola, Procter&Gamble, Mars, Nestlé, etc ; ) It's hard to stay ethical clean in advertising, unless u work for forerunners like The Goodwins and even they not only work for NGO`s.
Second: I see it professionally. Me and my team managed to get 3 all including election campaigns on air quite trouble-free from idea to print and digital execution, from insta stories to Mega Blow-up`s. And I`m quite proud of it, in purely technical terms.
Thirdly: it was much work, and I hate to work in vain.
and in fourth place: Wiebke Winter.
Wiebke is the green conscience of her party trying hard to fight climate change and hopefully changing her party, too. In my eyes, this may be even more important than being part of a green party: To dismantle antiquated, encrusted structures and convince an alte weisse Männerpartei to finally change.
CI, SoMe and Campaigning in different german countries, Bremen, Baden-Württemberg and Niedersachsen.
at Römer Wildberger, 2020–21