The problem: Adler clients getting older and disappear. The task: make the brand attractive for younger people. Solution: Refreshing the brand with a design facelift and coming up with a new photo-look to make the fashion more desirable. And introducing some storytelling, in this case "Die Adler Mode Story – mode mit happy end." The idea was to take existing books and visualize excerpts in the catalogues. The photo style was inspired by film genres, like slapstick, suspense or romance. Four seasons per year needed to be produced each with catalogues, TVC and POS-design.
The seasonal catalogues were all shot by different photographers to create unique looks. Of course this was an art-directors dream job. Not least because of team partner Joakim who came from Paradiset Stockholm, where he developed this brand, what was it called ... Diesel.
copy: Gerald Meilicke | art: Niko Willborn, Andrea Sommer, Julia Schmidt, Joakim Jonason | photo: Jörgen Lööf, Calle Stoltz | clothes photography: Kumicak & Namslau | S&F 2006
"Die Familienpackung"
Spring catalogue and TVC. Based on film originals "The Party", "Bridget Jones", "Friends", "A Fish called Wanda" and "Pillow Talk".

"Die Klatschmohnfrau"
Autumn catalogue and TVC. Based on the film originals "The Graduate", "The Lady from Shanghai" , "Touch of Evil" and "The Big Sleep", For target group 50+.

"Die Klatschmohnfrau" TVC
"Sternstunde der Liebe" TVC
"Lauf Helin Lauf" TVC
"Das Gespenst von Canterbury" TVC